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1  Announcements and General Discussion / Architecture / Re: pureMVC + swfaddress - extremely new to both on: March 03, 2008, 07:47:21
Thank you kindly for the wise words... I've been reading up for the last two weeks (I know, nothing compared to the rest of you guys) but it seems like I've made pretty good progress; however I'm now stuck.  Really really stuck.

And the worst part... I'm close to the "area" they want this app to be, all but that one issue.  And unfortunately, no more reading seems to be getting me over the hump.

Again, thanks.  I just have to say that it's perhaps a very small issue... but I can't trace it to save my life.
2  Announcements and General Discussion / Architecture / pureMVC + swfaddress - extremely new to both on: March 03, 2008, 03:31:43
Won't lie.  I'm pretty much as a n00b in regards to pureMVC and SWFAddress as you can get.

I've been thrust into the tail end of a project that's using PureMVC as well as SWFAddress and I'm banging my head against why the address in the browser updates, but the flash doesn't advance or update the Flex compiled movie.  The person before me started in on a lot of different angles before settling down on one implementation.

I'm real new to both pureMVC and swfaddress; however as it stands, before my arrival the project was stated to have worked.  But that's no longer the case.

A lot of the code would not make sense since it's pulling in data from an external CMS - which is where I started with my quest, and now I'm in the Flex app; however as far as it goes, this implementation has me all in knots.  Any and all help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
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