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Announcements and General Discussion => Getting Started => Topic started by: justSteve on March 23, 2008, 06:09:37

Title: ApplicationFacade and the debugger
Post by: justSteve on March 23, 2008, 06:09:37
While playing with the AppSkeleton I've set a breakpoint on SplashScreenMediator's handleNotification so as to watch the incoming notifications. I've created watch expressions on 'note' and on 'ApplicationFacade.LOADING_STEP'. Neither object will display a value in the 'Expressions' panel. In fact, ApplicationFacade.LOADING_STEP goes so far as to say No such variable: 'ApplicationFacade' .

Sure seems like i should be able to inspect the ApplicationFacade - much less see the value of one of it's constants. How am I looking at this wrong?


Title: Re: ApplicationFacade and the debugger
Post by: puremvc on March 23, 2008, 10:12:44

I never use the expression panel. This is mainly because it doesn't handle (or at least in FB2) didn't handle XML expressions. Sure that's a voodoo reaction and I'll play with it in FB3 soon to see if they've fixed it, but for now:

Try looking at the variables panel.

In Flex Builder's Debugger, in the Variables view menu, set Flex->Show Inaccessable Member Variables, and Show Static Variables. And you'll be able to see everything by opening the Facade and drilling down.


Title: Re: ApplicationFacade and the debugger
Post by: puremvc on March 23, 2008, 10:14:27
BTW, it's entirely possible that it's a bug in the demo. If you determine this is the case, report it on the discussion thread for the Demo.


Title: Re: ApplicationFacade and the debugger
Post by: Rhysyngsun on March 23, 2008, 11:02:41
You can check "Show Inaccessable Member Variables" in the expression panel too and it fixes the problem with the notification there as well because the notification's variables are all private. Still working on figuring out why you can't see the constants (I'm getting similar problems in my own projects). I think it may be because it is looking for a variable named "ApplicationFacade", instead of realizing it's just a class that you're trying to get a static const off of. I would guess thats just a FB3 bug.

Title: Re: ApplicationFacade and the debugger
Post by: justSteve on March 23, 2008, 04:32:05

I never use the expression panel.

What do you use to inspect objects while debugging?

The 'show inaccessbile' property works...thx.

Title: Re: ApplicationFacade and the debugger
Post by: puremvc on March 23, 2008, 07:38:12
The variables panel.
