PureMVC Architects Lounge

Announcements and General Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: landed on August 03, 2009, 11:42:49

Title: load order management
Post by: landed on August 03, 2009, 11:42:49
I see a class in a code base I inherited where I would have thought that I can manipulate the load order, at least starting as when things load depends on the size of the resource but every little helps me ??

StartupCommand, is the name of the class. Interestingly this doesnt look like part of the download for the as3 single core, so is this not part of the framework ? And where normally would I order things in loading and can the framework be forced to obey a load order before loading the next resource ?


Title: Re: load order management
Post by: puremvc on August 04, 2009, 03:16:24
Have a look at the StartupManager utility and its associated demo StartupAsOrdered.
