PureMVC Architects Lounge

Announcements and General Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: reduxdj on September 02, 2009, 11:13:03

Title: Using Pipes, but this one module is a blocker -- Pipe is null
Post by: reduxdj on September 02, 2009, 11:13:03
I can't figure out why this one module loads and then after it nothing else can load, the output is null?

       * Write the message to the connected output.
       * @param message the message to write
       * @return Boolean whether any connected downpipe outputs failed
      public function write( message:IPipeMessage ) : Boolean
         return output.write( message );

Thanks, Patrick

Title: Re: Using Pipes, but this one module is a blocker -- Pipe is null
Post by: puremvc on September 02, 2009, 12:51:08
Probably timing (you're expecting it to be there and begin talking to it before it's loaded and connected) or the code to connect the pipe to the module didn't get executed for some reason. I suggest using the Flex Builder debugger to breakpoint the code where you connect the pipe as well as the place below where you have a trace statement now, so you can actually walk the property tree and inspect properties, even protected or private.

In the Flex Builder debugger perspective, look at the view with tabs named 'Variables', 'Breakpoints', 'Expressions', then let your eye travel to the right side of that view. There are several icons there, and you're looking for a downward pointing triangle. Click it and the menu that opens should have an item called 'Flex', click that and you should see 'Show inaccessible members'. Check that option and you'll be able to see everything.
