Title: Can't we create a specific GWT Java Multicore version? Post by: Tekool on August 15, 2010, 06:06:08 As you may know the current Multicore version of the Java port is focused on GWT. As GWT doesn't support reflexion when declaring commands we use command instances instead of references to the command class object.
As said in the subject: can't we create a specific GWT Java Multicore version? Title: Re: Can't we create a specific GWT Java Multicore version? Post by: aquinault on August 16, 2010, 12:27:23 Hi Tek,
Yes you are right. However I think having several versions of PureMVC is not a good idea. You want to use PureMVC on which Java IHM Framework? Regards. Anthony. Title: Re: Can't we create a specific GWT Java Multicore version? Post by: Tekool on August 16, 2010, 10:23:04 I'm currently using Android, but a generic Java version of the PureMVC Java port seems a good idea to me as using the same instance for each command in the application is real limitation in some circumstances. It particularly breaks any possibility to port some PureMVC plug-ins. At least we should advert the user that this port is designed for GWT.
A possibility is to use reflexion when possible by reading the Class signature through the instance passed in the registerCommand if we really want something generic. But I find this idea cumbersome to read and implement for starting users. My idea is more to have a Java Standard port, Java for GWT port in the same repository etc... as we have a PureMVC for C#/Silverlight, PureMVC for C#/WPF, etc... Title: Re: Can't we create a specific GWT Java Multicore version? Post by: puremvc on August 17, 2010, 07:44:40 Please see my response to your post on the Java Standard Version Bug Report. I think we want reflection and GWT is the exception to the rule. A way of having a separate GWT branch makes sense. If you can bring the Standard Version into line with the implementation of the MultiCore Version, then we can make a standard version GWT branch. And we can make a MultiCore Version branch that is GWT specific as well.
Then Anthony could own the GWT branches of both and you could own the generic branch (trunk) of both. You'd need to coordinate any changes / fixes. How does this sound to you both? -=Cliff> Title: Re: Can't we create a specific GWT Java Multicore version? Post by: Tekool on August 21, 2010, 06:26:04 I will have a look into the single core Java version adapted from the GWT multicore version. If this work as expected, I agree to create the multicore generic version branch of the port.
Title: Re: Can't we create a specific GWT Java Multicore version? Post by: puremvc on August 25, 2010, 01:59:45 Sounds good.
-=Cliff> Title: Re: Can't we create a specific GWT Java Multicore version? Post by: puremvc on December 10, 2010, 09:10:10 So, now that we have matching GWT Standard and MultiCore versions, we need to think about putting them on branches (owned by Anthony), and refactoring the trunk to use reflection and not be GWT-specific.
Here's a thread that just bumped my attention on this again: http://forums.puremvc.org/index.php?topic=1834.0 Frederic, are you still interested in creating those generic versions and owning them? -=Cliff> Title: Re: Can't we create a specific GWT Java Multicore version? Post by: Tekool on December 10, 2010, 11:08:50 I'm interested in anything that can help the PureMVC community. ;)
I can help on this, but not on the GWT port as I don't know GWT. I'll try to prepare this work to be able to work on it on any spare time, but as I also work on a PureMVC for Android app I don't guarantee to be able to work on it immediatly. Title: Re: Can't we create a specific GWT Java Multicore version? Post by: puremvc on December 11, 2010, 11:10:14 Great. So, the PureMVC/Android app you're building, is that in Java or AIR?
-=Cliff> Title: Re: Can't we create a specific GWT Java Multicore version? Post by: Tekool on December 11, 2010, 11:17:10 The app I'm building is pure Java. It involves local storage, json webservice consumption, threads, inheritance within XML files, prefs menu, etc... so it is very complete, this is why it takes me so long ;)
Title: Re: Can't we create a specific GWT Java Multicore version? Post by: puremvc on December 21, 2010, 02:56:01 So, are you using a modified version of PureMVC for Java? Perhaps what will eventually become the pure java port?
-=Cliff> Title: Re: Can't we create a specific GWT Java Multicore version? Post by: Tekool on December 21, 2010, 04:02:49 Today I use the standard Java multicore but I can think to create the two Java version with reflexion in it if necessary. My app don't use reflexion today so I don't need it but I can do it in a second time. Okay for me.