PureMVC Architects Lounge

Announcements and General Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: earmountaina on October 28, 2008, 10:21:10

Title: Flex integration to WebORB .NET code gen
Post by: earmountaina on October 28, 2008, 10:21:10
I'm starting to use the WebORB PureMVC code gen for Flex (-type 8). I was surprised to get a Facade and a Mediator generated.

There is nice WebORB/Flex example project here: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/flextodotnet_remoteobject_04.html
This is a decent article on the generator:

WebORB uses XSLT to generate this stuff. The XLST is in the /weborbassets/codegen dir.

Does anyone have any best-practices advice on this code gen or an XSLT code gen they like better?

-- Mike

Title: Re: Flex integration to WebORB .NET code gen
Post by: puremvc on October 30, 2008, 06:50:25
Is that generated code up to the latest PureMVC release? I heard it had fallen behind a few revs and might need updating. I was planning to chat with Mark at The midnitecoders next month at MAX. Let us know how it goes. And if it is out of sync, I'll help them get their templates updated.


Title: Re: Flex integration to WebORB .NET code gen
Post by: earmountaina on October 30, 2008, 11:12:09
Hi Cliff,

I'm not the best one to ask about the XSLT being current with PureMVC.

WebORB code gen creates classes that I discard; facade and mediator. I think it should just concern itself with the model and leave the V and C to the Flex developer. I'm using the WebORB/nHibernate to support the model side. I'd expect WebORB to create the Command, VO and Proxy. I would like it to create more of the grunt-work of the VO, Proxy and Commands. In the next few weeks I may add to the XSLT and I'll post my changes to this thread if and when I do.

I look forward to hearing what you learn from the author. Pass along my thanks. I really like WebORB and the code gen.

-- Mike