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1  PureMVC Manifold / Demos and Utils / Re: Deployment Config - A PureMVC AS3 / Flex / AIR Utility on: December 23, 2008, 07:01:10
I have this working now for multicore, but I ran into a couple of gotcha's I though I would share if anyone else is attempting to use this:

- If you are using the examples to base your derived classes from, don't forget to modify lines such as:
import org.puremvc.as3.utilities.flex.config.interfaces.IConfigVO;to
import org.puremvc.as3.multicore.utilities.flex.config.interfaces.IConfigVO;
- I had to modify the code in the MyAppConfigProxy.as to have a contructor that accepts a parameter, and then calls it's parent constructor:

public class MyAppConfigProxy extends ConfigProxy
public function MyAppConfigProxy( configURL:String ){
super (configURL)
override protected function constructVO():IConfigVO
return new MyAppConfigVO();


I did this because the constructor for ConfigProxy requires a parameter, and I was getting and error if I tried to create my child class without passing a parameter when I was creating it.

Finally, in my StartupCommand class, I create my derived configProxy by passing it the url of my config file:

var configProxy:AppConfigProxy = new AppConfigProxy("config/config.xml");

Thanks again Cliff for you help!


2  PureMVC Manifold / Demos and Utils / Re: Deployment Config - A PureMVC AS3 / Flex / AIR Utility on: December 23, 2008, 06:10:08
Thanks, I'll give that a try!

ps.  I'm assuming you mean I should call configProxy.retrieveConfig() (rather than configProxy.fetchConfig())? 

Or maybe I have an outdated version?  (I'm using Utility_AS3_MultiCore_Flex_DeploymentConfig_1_0.swc).
3  PureMVC Manifold / Demos and Utils / Re: Deployment Config - A PureMVC AS3 / Flex / AIR Utility on: December 23, 2008, 03:50:44
Does anyone know if there is an example/demo of the Deployment Config tool being used in a multicore app?

I see the example code in the src shows how to setup your sub-classed ConfigVO and ConfigProxy, but I'm looking for an example of where I would register and retrieve my ConfigProxy in a multicore app so that the information in the config xml is most easily available to both my shell and loaded modules.

Thanks in advance for any advice,

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