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1  Announcements and General Discussion / Public Demos, Tools and Applications / Re: FDT Templates for pmvcAS3 Available on: November 20, 2009, 04:35:09
hey, I downloading and imported the templates, but I can't seem to get the templates to work.

I can see them in my workspace when I go preference -> FDT -> editor -> templates.

love more info how to use em
2  Announcements and General Discussion / General Discussion / Re: Flash CS4 Scene - Mediator on: October 19, 2009, 10:17:27
I agree with Cliff on this.

I've built quite a few applications with the pmvc framework in Flash. and what I do, and please Cliff correct me if you feel this isn't best practice, but I export a MovieClip from the flash library that would be considered the "viewComponent" using "Export for Actionscript".

In doing this, That viewComponent would be controlled by its Mediator, and that Mediator would listen to the notifications that are meant for that viewComponent and handle it accordingly. Information (data) would then be passed to the viewComponent through that Mediator and the other way around.

There is a great tutorial regarding this topic should you consider going this route you can find it here.


hope this Helps.

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