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1  Announcements and General Discussion / General Discussion / Re: Accessing the Stage in the stage mediator on: April 17, 2010, 12:58:35
Hi Cliff,

Sorry for the delay in responding - i'm doing this work in my spare time and have been away with work. Thanks a mil for your reply - it was extremely useful. It really helped clear up some of the confusion i was having.

So I now have
- A stage mediator
- A entity mediator (setup similarly to how you suggested)

My workflow now is looking something like this

- Setup my app
- Call a "create schema" command
    - This command generates the "bubbles" creating an individual entity mediator for each one
    - The command also creates an instance of theScene movie clip which is pretty much just a rectangle
    - As each "bubble" is created it is added to theScene instance
- TheScene instance is passed back to the stage mediator which adds it to the stage
- A mouseDown event which captures the mouse location and calls a command to calculate the bubbles new locations
- This fires off a mouseUpdate command which re-positions the bubbles

Now, the whole point of this app is to create a data schema which a user can navigate around. For the initial iteration this will be purely by mouse clicks. Now that I am embedding all my "bubbles" in theScene I need to add event handlers to the scene movieClip so my thinking was to create another mediator for theScene. Would this be bad practice. Basically what I will end up with is

- A stage mediator (which is pretty much just used to initialize the app)
- A theScene mediator for handling events on the main scene
- Various entity mediators for referencing the different bubbles
- Probably a menu mediator which will contain a user menu

My question would be - is it ok to have a stage mediator which is generally used just for initialization or would this be considered bad practice. Should I be setting up my stage in the designer and then just have the other mediators or does it not matter either way?

Thanks again for the help - it really is very much appreciated.

2  Announcements and General Discussion / General Discussion / Accessing the Stage in the stage mediator on: March 28, 2010, 01:59:26
Hi All,

I'm fairly new to pureMVC so sorry in advance if this is an obvious question. What I'm trying to do is move movieclips around my stage. they're new locations are calculated based on where the mouse is clicked. This is my workflow is as follows

StartUpCommand is called and registers my stageMediator

I cast the viewComponent to a type of Stage

protected function get stage():Stage{
            return viewComponent as Stage;

on StageMediator I add a movie clip to my stage as follows

I then have a loop for nesting multiple movieclips in this "theScene" movieclip
if (pointsArray != null)
            for (i=0; i < pointsArray.length; i++){
               var studentEntityInstance:MovieClip = new StudentEntity();
               studentEntityInstance.name = "studentEntity" + i;
               studentEntityInstance.visible = true;
               studentEntityInstance.x = pointsArray.x;
               studentEntityInstance.y = pointsArray.y;
               studentEntityInstance.z = pointsArray.z;
               var attachedObj = theScene.addChild(studentEntityInstance);

So this is my initial scene setup. i have an eventlistener on my stage listening for a mouseClick

A mouseclick then calls a command which calculates the new nested movieclips locations. This array is set in the proxy which sends a notification to the mediator letting it know the locations have changed. The mediator then updates the stage. This is where I'm having an issue - I'm not able to access the movieclips on my stage. I've tried the following

var currBalloon:MovieClip = MovieClip(viewComponent.getChildByName("studentEntity"+i))
var currBalloon:MovieClip = MovieClip(stage.getChildByName("studentEntity"+i))
var currBalloon:MovieClip = stage["studentEntity" + i];
var currBalloon:MovieClip = viewComponent["studentEntity" + i];

var theScene:MovieClip = MovieClip(viewComponent.getChildByName("theScene"))
var currBalloon:MovieClip = MovieClip(theScene.getChildByName("studentEntity"+i))

var theScene:MovieClip = MovieClip(stage.getChildByName("theScene"))
var currBalloon:MovieClip = MovieClip(theScene.getChildByName("studentEntity"+i))

But everything results in the following error
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

Anyone have any ideas where i'm going wrong? Any help really would be greatly appreciated as this is really starting to drive me insane.

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