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1  Announcements and General Discussion / Public Demos, Tools and Applications / PureMVC AS Code Generator - PureMVCGen on: December 05, 2008, 01:12:36
Hi everyone,

I just released an early version of my ANT-based PureMVC Flex/AS code generator.  It's distributed as a gem on rubyforge and github to make it easier to interact with.  I'll try to write some documentation over the weekend for it, but the tool itself outputs fairly decent instructions.

If you already have ruby and rubygems installed, them simply:

gem install puremvc-gen

or download it directly from rubyforge: http://rubyforge.org/projects/gjastrab/

The source is up at Github: http://github.com/gjastrab/puremvc-gen/tree/master so feel free to check it out and give me some comments.

I'll post a more official announcement on our company's blog (http://blog.smartlogicsolutions.com) in a little bit with some more detailed instructions, but to get started, simply specify a proj.properties file in the directory you want to start a new PureMVC project in

If you type puremvc-gen check it will tell you what this properties file needs to include.  If you've included the correct properties then just type puremvc-gen init and it will create your PureMVC scaffold, including a main MXML file, proper directory structure, Facade, StartupCommand, and a PrepareActorsCommand.

Type puremvc-gen -h to see the other available commands, but to generate the other PureMVC classes:

puremvc-gen new command (defaults to simple)
puremvc-gen new command -m (or --macro)
puremvc-gen new mediator
puremvc-gen new proxy

It currently only generates standard PureMVC code, but it will generate multicore compliant code as well quite soon.

Please check it out and give me some feedback and suggestions.  I'll update the github page soon to include better documentation and a roadmap of planned features.  Thanks!
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