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1  Announcements and General Discussion / Architecture / MDI Application approach on: April 12, 2010, 02:17:47

I'm building an MDI based application (flex-mdi from flexlib), and I'm wondering if there's a best practice/approach for PureMVC within that context.

Problems, for example:
* I have a list form of users (with a mediator and proxy), and upon double clicking a user from the list, a new User Details window opens. What happens if I want 2 detail windows (same meditaor)? ok, so I started working with context object (UIDs after mediators' name). But what if the users have a sub-entity with a list and another CRUD operation?
I'm starting to dig deep with Contextual objects (the context is kept so that the proxy will send notifications only for the mediator with the same UID, of course).

* I want to enable CRUD for a user, so the proxy for the list holds CRUD functions. how does the details window knows about the proxy, if it has a different context (UID) ? and if I close the list window and remove the proxy, but the details window stays open?

* So I thought creating a proxy for each window, that has the same UID and is responsible for actions from that window. But then, what if I want to be able to change Disable/Enable settings from the details window and from the list window as well? same code twice?

If I sound a bit scrambled, it's because I am.
I'm trying to think about it, and can't come up with an ideal solution for PureMVC.
Help anyone :) ?

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