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PureMVC Manifold / Standard Version / Cliff Help. Viewstack in CSharp
on: August 21, 2013, 06:49:02
I have used puremvc in flex before, and trying the same in c#. Question is about single window, multiple views using concept of viewstack, and ideally lazy loading.
One approach is the grid and all views created in same co-ordinates. Using the visibility property through puremvc.
Any other better suggestion?
PureMVC Manifold / MultiCore Version / pipeworks - where are the module swf?
on: August 01, 2009, 11:50:35
We recently implemented mc version of our single-core application using mx:modules, and are not yet using pipes. In looking at the pipeworks demo, I am confused why the module's (Logger / Prattle) swf don't exist - when the implementation uses modulebase.
If the mediator loads ahead of the view creation to do the framework wiring, do we lose the benefits of independent swf loading and memory management - as I only see one consolidated swf in pipeworks? I am not clear, just need you to point me to more resources to look at.
Announcements and General Discussion / Architecture / listNotificationInterests
on: June 26, 2008, 03:05:35
Pardon my limited expertise.
In implementing mediator on flex, I realize the listNotificationInterest method is executed during the construction of the mediator. Is there a method available to dynamically modify the notification list after mediator is constructed. I have a generic mediator which supports multiple views, so I want to include a notification in mediator under the event handler scope instead of the construction phase - as the notification value will only be available on creationComplete of the view.
Thank you.