I created a utility for the PureMVC framework called PGProxyReservation. In short:
The PGProxyReservation utility is used to effectively flush proxies from their data when not in use. Whenever a view or another proxy requires the use of a proxy, it reserves it, and releases it when it's done. The utility automatically gets the proxy in an initialised state, as long as it implements IReservable. When no reservation is left for a particular proxy, the utility clears its data object. This is a huge advantage for applications that are heavily data reliant. It keeps your application leight-weight, keeping initialised only those proxies that are currently in use.
Attachment too big: You can download it at:
http://blog.pietergrobler.com/node/4Hope this is helpful. Drop me a line with questions or feedback. Thanks, Pieter Grobler.