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1  Announcements and General Discussion / General Discussion / Re: A mediator for every display item? on: April 14, 2010, 02:06:09

probably you would have one PlayerMediator for the whole player. You can then handle each event and other players related business logic in separate commands which are executed by the PlayerMediator.   
2  Announcements and General Discussion / Getting Started / Re: Multi-page Flash apps without MultiCore? on: December 27, 2009, 07:51:13
I had a multiple swf flash project with the puremvc standard version once. Although the multicore looks a bit more complex than the standard version, you will figure out that during the development (especially if more than one developer is involved) the multicore version is definitely the preferred one.

The progress of using the standard version for a multiple swf flash project could be like this.

1) You have a main.swf ( the container where the pages are loaded into )
2) Each page ( the swfs which will be loaded into the main.swf ) are only views which doesnt implement any business logic at all and are also not linked to any class.
3) After an swf is loaded into the main.swf, execute a command and pass the loaded swf as a view component
4) This command then handles the business logic for the given view.

The disadvantage of using the standard version for a multiple swf flash project is that the whole project is then one huge module which can not be divided. 
3  Announcements and General Discussion / Architecture / Re: Different cores or modules using a common data source on: December 11, 2009, 02:10:11
Yes, the service module is created within the shell
4  Announcements and General Discussion / Architecture / Re: Different cores or modules using a common data source on: December 08, 2009, 10:04:18
Yes, of course. the http POST request requires the user initiated action.

My question above wasn't why i got the exception or what the exception means.
I was wondering if someone has succesfully, or has some idea how to, submit an http post which requires an user initiated action from another core than where the click listener function is.
5  Announcements and General Discussion / Architecture / Re: Different cores or modules using a common data source on: December 07, 2009, 10:19:58

sorry for the delayed reply. the project is actually not an actual one, but the exception I got when I try to submit the post http request from the service core instead directly from the listener function is:

Error: Error #2176: Certain actions, such as those that display a pop-up window, may only be invoked upon user interaction, for example by a mouse click or button press.

6  Announcements and General Discussion / General Discussion / MVC or MVP ? on: December 03, 2009, 02:36:15

according to this document,


isn't pureMVC then more an MVP framework than an MVC one ?

7  Announcements and General Discussion / Architecture / Re: Different cores or modules using a common data source on: December 03, 2009, 02:20:10
Yes, i got an exception. Honestly. I don't know how to extend the stack of the listener function. I had the listener function inside a mediator which sends a message with a vo to the service core. The service core then executes a command for this. The message for the service core is sent from inside the listener function, therefore i thought that the request should be inside the same stack but still i got the exception.


8  Announcements and General Discussion / Architecture / User-initiated action requirements in Flash Player 10 on: December 02, 2009, 07:01:54

does anyone has experienced a workaround while having a "service" core and submitting a HTTP post request which requires the user initiated action of the flash player 10?

For example, recently in a flash project, i had to make a post request which contains generated png images. since this post request can only be executed inside the click listener function stack, i couldn't place it inside my "service" core.


9  Announcements and General Discussion / Architecture / Re: Handling many HTTPService calls, and waiting for all results (in order) on: September 17, 2009, 02:09:57
probably by handling this in a proxy ( e.g. CoordinatesProxy ) which calls the service as much as needed until all coordinates data is available, then notify the system that the proxy is ready to be used.

this way, the orders of the requests is handled inside the proxy. the rest of the system then only needs to get the coordinates value from the method interfaces of the proxy.
10  Announcements and General Discussion / General Discussion / Re: Extending a proxy on: September 11, 2009, 10:49:45
well, one proxy is not the same with one bloated copy paste class. at the first point it means one data interface for a specific context in the application. how the proxy handles and manage to get and store the data internally is up to the developer. is it by extending another proxy, having references to other data objects etc. my thought with this is refering only to the lines of code in your post. therefore, it is of course possible that other constructs may fit better if other parts in the application are considered.
11  Announcements and General Discussion / General Discussion / Re: Extending a proxy on: September 11, 2009, 12:51:43
extended or not extended, one proxy is one proxy.
12  Announcements and General Discussion / General Discussion / Re: Extending a proxy on: September 11, 2009, 11:02:46
i see, sorry to missunderstand you. just curious, without knowing the context of your application, is it possible then to have one proxy with the following methods:


because of the same method names, i assume that the usage of objects of type Cat and StripedCat are in the same context. therefore my opinion is to let one proxy ( e.g. the Cat proxy ) get the data even if more than one service call is required. after the data is ready, the proxy can notify it and can be used by the rest of the system. 

13  Announcements and General Discussion / General Discussion / Re: Extending a proxy on: September 11, 2009, 06:44:54

in projects, i often have multiple proxies extending one base proxy. inside the baseproxy i usualy put the authentification values for the webservice, the base url of the service, error handling, etc. in the derived proxies then, the specific task. for example a proxy for user login, a proxy for registration, a proxy for saving specific settings, a proxy for searching etc. in my opinion, it is more maintainable having multiple proxies rather than handling all the conditions iniside one big proxy.
14  Announcements and General Discussion / Architecture / Re: Quick question about mediators on: September 08, 2009, 01:58:22
I would rather notify 2 different notification for that. I think it is more maintainable having different notification than managing which mediator should be removed and registered since you are dealing with 2 different mediators which are listening to the same notification.
15  Announcements and General Discussion / Architecture / Re: Q:When does it make sense to use Multicore over single core on: August 27, 2009, 06:18:42
the multicore version make sense if your application needs modularity. consider this, 2 or 3 developer is working on parts/modules of a project. all parts/modules will then integrated into the main application.

using the standard version all modules are dependent to one core. all commands, mediators or proxies of each module needs to be compiled within the main application.

using the multicore, each module can stand on its own. each module can have its own commands, mediators proxies etc. this way, the modules (swfs in flash) can be developed independently. this also makes testing more comfortable.

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