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1  Announcements and General Discussion / Architecture / Re: Asynchronous Data Access Layer on: March 04, 2015, 02:38:44
Hi, thanks for your reply. I understand that PureMVC is hugely flexible, I guess I just see more examples with XML databases, that's all.

For the design problem, I've reached two diverging paths. In one path, we use data access objects. There is a top level data access object which implements database read and write functions, (so select, insert, update, and delete). Then specific DAOs would extend this abstract DAO and override the r/w call with reference to the specific table. Ex: DataAccessObject has an update method, which takes table name, update parameters, and a where query to match the update with. Then CustomerDAO extends DataAccessObject and it's update function returns the super's update function with proper parameters filled in
public function update(params:Object):Promise {
    return super.update("customer", params, "customer_id=:id", {id:uid});
This assumes every DAO has a uid property which references its SQL primary key. If we keep all database operations in the DatabaseProxy, then we have to write cases for every VO/DAO pair we will be working with. Finally the DatabaseProxy would be tasked with responding to the promises and updating the corresponding vo in memory.

The second path, which I am leaning more towards, is not to implement a DAO pattern, but rather have the DatabaseProxy act as the top level DAO with abstract read/write functions. Then specific proxies would extend the DatabaseProxy with specific behavior. Does this violate the idea of isolating all DB interaction to the DatabaseProxy? This design seems better to me, because it still isolates the database dependency to the DatabaseProxy. Changing to a different style of database would require only rewriting the r/w functions in the DatabaseProxy. It also allows me to take advantage of a Proxy's data property. As an example if we had a database of books and publishers, these would likely be two different SQL tables. There would be a BooksProxy and a PublishersProxy. When the BooksProxy is instantiated, it would retrieve all books in the table and store them as an Array or ArrayCollection in the data property. Similarly for the PublishersProxy. Then adds, updates, and deletes would be saved to the DB and tracked in memory. This makes passing data to the view with a mediator much easier.

There's probably no right or wrong way to do this, but I appreciate all the input!

2  Announcements and General Discussion / Architecture / Asynchronous Data Access Layer on: February 26, 2015, 07:53:15
I'm trying to refactor an existing project into PureMVC. This is an Adobe AIR desktop app taking advantage of the SQLite library included with AIR and building upon it with a few other libraries:

I made my current implementation of the database similar to the websql-js (http://websql-js.googlecode.com/hg/docs/websql.html) promise based SQL access layer and it works pretty well, however I am struggling to see how it can work in PureMVC. The async SQLite library linked above uses a "SQLRunner" which maintains a pool of connections which it opens and closes as necessary.

Currently, I have my VOs that will be paired with DAOs (data access objects) for database access. Where I'm stuck is how to track the dbFile and sqlRunner instances across the entire program. The DAOs will need to know about the sqlRunner, or at the very least, the dbFile. Should the sqlRunner be treated as singleton-esque? Or created for every database query?

Finally, how do I expose the dbFile or sqlRunner to the DAOs? In my head right now I see keeping these in a DatabaseProxy that would be exposed to other proxies, and instantiate DAOs when needed. What about a DAO factory pattern?

I know from some reading and research that Cliff/PureMVC is geared to an XML database and there area already existing utilities for that, but it is too much of a refactor to move from the existing SQLite to XML.

I'm very new to PureMVC but I really like the structure and separation of roles. Please don't hesitate to tell me if this implementation simply will not work.
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