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Announcements and General Discussion / Public Demos, Tools and Applications / Re: My first app using puremvc- as3 - flex 3 + papervision3d
on: October 03, 2009, 09:05:02
thanks cliff,
the original idea is to create the 3d engine for 3dtour and can expend it to game engine. got two section in this app. first is the app in that link, and second thing is the 3d editor using flex.. the 3d editor still not complete yet. I stop the development last June because I'm busy and have no time to look into it.
the 3d editor will generate xml string format .and user manually need to replace the xml file. In the future I plan to use Adobe AIR and can automatically replace the xml file on server or on local machine.
the purpose of this app is just a part of my learning progress regarding papervision and puremvc. Just want to see how effective to doing scalable apps.
yes, its nice if can post it as a PureMVC Demo.
Announcements and General Discussion / Getting Started / proxy and VO (basic)
on: July 25, 2008, 04:31:44
hi, I have a question regarding VO. Just to make sure my understanding regarding proxy n vo is right..
I want to create VO that store all basic configuration(stage height, fps, and another info). and I want to make sure there is only one instance of this VO object.. (singleton)
can I make it singleton?
but.. if any component want to show the data.. it will duplicate the VO and store locally in the component(another instance of VO).. so the cmponent will show the data from its local data(similar to dataprovider in flex component).. not direct from VO.. so I think I cannot make the VO singleton..
is my understanding correct?
if user try to edit data from component(ex. form panel).. the component will update the data locally n will sent notification so the proxy will help to update VO..
am I right?
Announcements and General Discussion / Getting Started / Re: Starting with PureMVC
on: July 14, 2008, 11:44:53
Utils folder.. my plan is to put something like ArrayUtils.as, DateUtils.as (have a method like stringToDate), currencyConverterUtils.as..
tocombine or transform some data before presentation?
yup .. It will use by component view and proxy or VO..
for example.. I have DateUtils.as class file. And in that class file have two method.. 1. stringToDate - will use by proxy/vo to store it in datasource or sent to web service to save in database. 2. dateToString - will use by componentView to show data in Component.
so.. should I create two class and one of it put inside model/utils and another one in view/utils? or just put DateUtils.as inside controller/utils?
this type of example also may apply to currencyConverterUtils.as
Announcements and General Discussion / Getting Started / Re: Starting with PureMVC
on: July 14, 2008, 02:54:11
hi.. i'm new to pureMVC..
I follow this idea..
Base.fla Base.as (Base.fla's document class) com > domain >> app >>> ApplicationFacade.as >>> models >>> views >>> controllers
but.. where should I put another class.. for example I want to create utils(folder).. Events(folder)
can anyone give suggestion?