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1  Announcements and General Discussion / Fabrication / New Fabrication-Based AS3/CS3 Flash Website Basics Digizex Video Tutorial on: June 24, 2009, 01:53:01
The ultimate tutorial on how to create a content-managed, multilingual Flash website using Flash CS3 and opensource tools: FlashDevelop, Digizex, SWFAddress, SWFObject, Zend, Zend AMF, MySQL, XAMPP, PureMVC, Fabrication, Flight Framework Data Binding, BumpSlide UI Library, Demonster Debugger, KapInspect, Flex 3 SDK, Digitalus CMS, Minimal Remoting (AMF library for AS3), AllFlashWebsite’s FlashDevelop Project Templates. There are 8 videos totaling one hour.

2  Announcements and General Discussion / Fabrication / Re: Will Fabrication be rolled into Multicore and Pipes as default? on: June 15, 2009, 10:47:05
Ok, ok, I'm not trying to quibble, I swear. It just worried me that your comment would be misinterpreted by new users browsing these boards. They might come away with, "Cliff says that Fabrication will bloat your app". Of course you didn't say anything like that...

Also, I look it at it kinda differently than you. Even if you don't need to use modules, Fabrication is a lot easier to use than PureMVC on it's own. Furthermore, I believe there is a tipping point where NOT using fabrication will make your app file size bigger (even if you're not using modules). It cuts down on so much boiler-plate that it might actually decrease file size when you reach a certain level of complexity.

BTW -- I agree Fabrication absolutely should not become part of multicore.
3  Announcements and General Discussion / Fabrication / Re: Will Fabrication be rolled into Multicore and Pipes as default? on: June 15, 2009, 08:10:15
Ok, that makes sense. Loading SWC's at runtime is a bad idea, so the size of the SWC shouldn't be a factor in deciding whether or not to use Fabrication.
4  Announcements and General Discussion / Fabrication / Re: Will Fabrication be rolled into Multicore and Pipes as default? on: June 14, 2009, 04:38:18
Where are you getting 72k from? In my experience fabrication is extremely light-weight. I'm working on a template which is a little heavier than the FlashDevelop template I recently posted to the Fabrication forum, and the compiled shell is only 33k. That 33k includes PureMVC MultiCore, Pipes, Fabrication, Asual's SWFAddress, and Digizex CMS.

I think that the fabrication flex-specific classes might import some heavy-duty stuff. But if you're working in Flex you've already opened that can of worms.
5  Announcements and General Discussion / Fabrication / Re: FlashDevelop Fabrication Templates and Video Tutorial on: June 13, 2009, 10:35:30
If you ever consider going back, this might help you...

6  Announcements and General Discussion / Fabrication / FlashDevelop Fabrication Templates and Video Tutorial on: June 13, 2009, 03:32:15

Enjoy  :o
7  Announcements and General Discussion / Fabrication / Re: HelloFlash refactored with Reactions on: May 25, 2009, 02:05:27
Sorry for the vagueness, this board doesn't exactly bring out the verboseness in me  ;D

The example only adds reactions in the StageMediator, but as an exercise you could go ahead and replace all of the event handlers in the other mediators with reactions (make sure they extend FlashMediator or FabricationMediator). The reason I left it this way is because the original HelloFlash example demonstrated using Fabrication in some mediators, and not using it in others, so I thought that I would continue this tradition.

I don't fully understand Darshan's comments about Reactions not working in Flash, maybe he meant that specifically for when you're compiling with Flash CS3 you can't use reactions. As for how I got it to work, I really didn't do anything special. In this example, only the SWC file is compiled in CS3... without any classpath....and without any code... basically just the graphics are compiled in the SWC. The actual SWFs are compiled using the Flex SDK.

Technically you might want to call this a PureAS3 project, but Flash CS3 is used for creating purely graphical elements without any code attached. The actual view components are creating by composing these CS3 elements into a class, as opposed to how it was done before with inheritance. (I actually find this composition method more intuitive vs inheritance method, and the code hinting also makes it a sexy work-flow)
8  Announcements and General Discussion / Fabrication / HelloFlash refactored with Reactions on: May 25, 2009, 12:12:02
I've come to the conclusion that if you're the type of person who's going to use Fabrication in a project without the Flex Framework, then your work flow will likely follow Method 3:


download the files here:



... also, see the README file to compile
9  Announcements and General Discussion / General Discussion / Re: ServiceLocator RemoteObjects? on: May 25, 2009, 10:21:01
I posted an example in the Utilities forum that uses ServiceLocator. It's janky junky though. Just use mx.rpc, your file size will be smaller also.
10  Announcements and General Discussion / Public Demos, Tools and Applications / Re: New Open-Source Flash/Flex CMS, need advice on Structure on: May 20, 2009, 02:29:10
The Digizex Debugger.... If you like KapInspect or De MonsterDebugger you better check this out

11  Announcements and General Discussion / Fabrication / Re: Seperate Project for Modules on: May 19, 2009, 05:35:11
I don't know if I fully understand your question, but I think how you deal with modules might depend on your work-flow. I use FlashDevelop and the latest release (RC3) has a feature that lets you right-click on a project file in the Project Explorer and compile it from the pop-up menu without actually opening the project file. This is a feature that was specifically added for multi-swf apps like those with modules.

Therefore, in FlashDevelop you should have a project for each module, and put all of your project (.as3proj) files in the same directory. This way, it's really easy to compile any module regardless of which project file you have open (because they all show up close to each other in the Project Explorer). As far as your source code goes, either put it all under the same src folder, or create one src folder for the shell, and one for modules, or even one for each module. One of the Fabrication examples puts them all in the same src folder.
12  Announcements and General Discussion / Public Demos, Tools and Applications / Re: New Open-Source Flash/Flex CMS, need advice on Structure on: May 17, 2009, 08:15:53
Thanks Ondina   ::)
13  Announcements and General Discussion / Fabrication / Digizex now on Fabrication on: May 16, 2009, 05:19:33

Open Source Flash/Flex CMS
Modular application refactored for Fabrication, makes adding modules extremely easy.

Also integrates KapInspect as a module, and works in both Flex and Pure AS3 projects (this is the first ever example of KapInspect running inside a pure AS3 project)

Video Tutorial now available.
14  Announcements and General Discussion / Public Demos, Tools and Applications / New Open-Source Flash/Flex CMS, need advice on Structure on: April 26, 2009, 04:24:52

The CMS is PureMVC multicore, but it gets loaded in by a static class. Here is how the CMS gets integrated in a Flex app:

- one include is required:
import com.digizex.CmsManager;
- add this to the Application tag:
addedToStage="CmsManager.init('http://digi.localhost/remoting', stage, this)"
- Here is an example of an object that you want to be CMS-ized:
<mx:Label id="myText" htmlText="{ contentVO.content }" creationComplete="CmsManager.add( {cms:'text', object:myText, id:5, node:'content', version:'en' } );"  horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
CmsManager is the static class, it is the only part of the CMS that actually gets compiled into your SWF. CmsManager will load the CMS (digizex.swf) when it detects keystroke "xxx". Then, it will pass requests along to digizex.swf's ApplicationFacade.

The reason for using the static class is so that the CMS system could be added as an afterthought. Notice that you barely have to add any code to add all the additional functionality.

I'm looking for suggestions from the community as to the best way to structure the CMS. Do you like the structure I've described? What would you change? Also, if you're interested in helping out that would be great, too.
15  Announcements and General Discussion / Public Demos, Tools and Applications / PureMVC Port of Keith Craigo's Flex + Zend_Amf +Zend_Auth+Zend_Acl+Zend_Session on: April 11, 2009, 01:39:46
Available here:


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