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16  Announcements and General Discussion / Fabrication / Re: Fabrication - Simplified PureMVC multicore modules on: October 16, 2008, 10:31:22
I'm using fabrication in a prototype and had 2 questions

1) I saw there is a repository for the Fabrication utility, but no track page yet that I can see, is there an offical trac page and svn for this now, as I'd like to be using the most up to date code ?

2) When I get a FabricationModuleEvent in my listener as a result of a FabricationModuleEvent.MODULE_INITIALIZED from the FabricationModuleLoader, the module property of the FabricationModuleEvent is null, so I have to get the event.target.loadedModule property, maybe this is correct, can you confirm ?

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