I am not sure who is still watching this thread, but I have finally fixed my issues.
The good news is they have nothing to do with Fabrication, PureMVC or the way I was loading my modules.
The bad news is that the issues are actually a bug in Flex/AS3. Without going into details, to fix the problem I had to add these lines of code in the main mxml file for the fabrication routing demo:
import mx.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessageExt;
import mx.managers.HistoryManager;
private var hist:HistoryManager;
private var ak:AcknowledgeMessageExt;
I am not using the 2 variables anywhere in my project, but for some reason I HAVE to declare them in the main shell, otherwise flex gets confused and craps out. Here are some links that further explain this issue:
http://www.blogjava.net/fine/archive/2009/01/04/249753.htmlhttps://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-13121http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-12218Thanks, and I hope this will save many hours to someone else if they are encountering this issue/issues