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Author Topic: Presenting at Adobe MAX 09 on PureMVC  (Read 17720 times)
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« on: August 19, 2009, 11:17:13 »

I'm very excited to announce that Cliff has recommended me to present on PureMVC at Adobe MAX this year at the Flex Frameworks session which will also include Mate, Swiz, and Cairngorm. He's not able to make it this year but I'm happy to take his place and represent an excellent framework and community at MAX! I love presenting so I'm hoping to give a great impression on PureMVC!

I really want to include everyone's feedback into my presentation. I'm currently on vacation but I will be planning it out as I have a strict time limit of 45 minutes and its supposed to be a hands on session. I'd like to ask you guys a few questions to help me organize what parts I cover and in what order.

Again note that this will be a near complete hands on session so all of the questions asked below are in regards to having the attendance code out the sample application.

  • What part of PureMVC do you find the hardest to understand?
  • If you were introduced the parts of PureMVC (mediator, facade, etc) what order do you think is appropriate?
  • What piece (mediator, facade, etc) do you think should be covered more thoroughly over others? This will have a great affect as there is a time limit of 45 mins.
  • Anything you'd like me to share about the community? I personally think this is one of PureMVC's strongest areas
  • Are their particular points from the PureMVC Best Practices documentation that you feel should be in the presentation?
« Last Edit: August 19, 2009, 11:19:47 by JJfutbol » Logged
Jason MacDonald
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« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2009, 06:51:23 »

Here's my $0.02 on the subject. It's too bad I won't make it to Max this year, last years was pretty good.

Hardest concepts for people to grasp initially
  • Pipes (I relalize it's a utility but very necessary when working with Multicore)
  • Notifications
  • Mediator/Proxy responsabilities

Order on introduction:
  • Facade
  • Mediator
  • Proxy
  • Multicore

The most common things I see on the forums often center around the responsabilities of a Mediators (and what should stay in components), and to a lesser extent, what Proxies handle.

I think the biggest is the quality of help and utilities. Unlike other frameworks/forums, there is not a lot of "fluff". There is not 10 utilities for doing the same task, there's one quality utility that everyone tries to contribute there efforts to (be it helping debug or giving suggestion on features).
Jr. Member
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 - polykrom@flashcodeurs.com
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« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2009, 07:18:48 »


difficult for me to say what is the more difficult things to understand in PureMVC now that i understand the main framework "rules"...
But,I think that for all stuffs we focus on, we have to work hard to understand all the concepts and best practices.
The first thing that comes in mind is (as for other frameworks) to understand that even if we have first to make a lot of codes for little tasks, it's to make the applications more robust and extensible...
After that step, i think that (when understanding main design patterns and other frameworks like Cairngorm) PureMVC give us in two packages (one core and multicore), all the architecture and tools we need to make our life easier !
When i first began to work with pureMVC... while i was progressing in my development, i found all the answers i need to continue (utilities, forums examples..) .
The support forum is great and there are a lot of basics and more complexes examples to learn.
Authors are always available to answer our requests... It's very motivated..

So.. What makes PureMVC a great framework is that when we put our hands in it we found things naturals, everything seems more clear and more "real life" oriented in terms of communication and architecture.

In conclusion, i think that Jason is right in the "Hardest" concepts to learn , and i think all the utilities are essential to realize the real benefit of PureMvc.

my €0.0001 :D

« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 07:23:53 by polykrom » Logged
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« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2009, 07:37:31 »

After watching Javier present on Arc90's Kindling app at last year's Pirate Radio event at Max, and then hanging out with him quite a bit at the conference, I was convinced he would be a fantastic person to deliver talks about PureMVC. He's enthusiastic and really has an awesome grasp of the framework with hands-on business experience using it. Anyone attending Max this year should definitely attend this session.

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« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2009, 01:49:08 »

Having just completed my first large commercial project a few things I've learned
If you have many similar view components, make sure you program to interfaces
Use macro commands whenever possible
For a large application more time spent in the planning stage pays off later
-ie list all core actors, proxies, commands, mediators and their responsibilities
-establish communication channels, will proxies need to talk to each other?
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« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2009, 04:50:40 »

May be i am late on this post but I will suggest to take it on in your presentation...in a very briefly way. Also sometimes its funny to present in a very funny way. The brain works better. Understands better.

Why PureMVC?
Where to use PureMVC?
Flavors of PureMVC.

And then

The sexy ApplicationFacade.
The best friends are Views and Mediators. Responsabilities.
Events are not Notifications. Notifications are not Events.
Mom look with No..Commands. This is not true.I like Commands.
Ladies and Gentleman, Proxy the wizard :P

Hope it helps..
CHeers and good luck

Jason MacDonald
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« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2009, 06:18:46 »

So as a last min surprise it turns out a work mate and I are going to Max again this year after all. I'm looking forward to the framework talk. I'm very curious to see what people see as issues with PMVC vs the other frameworks.

As a side note, where you the guy hanging with Cliff in the room just before the pirate radio last year? If so, I was the guy who showed up early but left to go get my laptop at my hotel. I watched from there since there wasn't an easy way to see what was going on during the radio show at that hotel conference room...

.. now that I think about it, I think it was a guy from Ribbit that I talked to, not Kindling. Anywhoo...
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 06:23:17 by Jason MacDonald » Logged
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« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2009, 10:59:19 »


Sorry, I would have replied sooner but for some reason I'm not getting email notifications on replies. If you will be attending the Flex Frameworks session please be sure to stop by and say hi afterwards! Would love to meet and talk PureMVC. Yeah I was there to present on Kindling but you probably spoke with the Ribbit guys. Either way we'll see one another after the frameworks session. Hope you like it!
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« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2009, 09:33:11 »

So Good luck my friend!!! PureMVC go go go !!! :D
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« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2009, 09:35:58 »


Thanks! I'm really excited about presenting at MAX! Been practicing a lot so hopefully it all goes well and we'll have more people involved with PureMVC and the community! :)


Come on man, what's the hold up with that announcement on this on the main page!? Adobe MAX starts this Monday! ;)
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