I'm confused as the docs themselves seem to state that this is the case:
5. Send a now notification
Next we send a now notification using the PureMVC sendNotification method. We can do this from either the mediator or command. For this example we will use the startup command itself.
In controller/HelloFabricationStartupCommand.as
override public function execute(note:INotification):void {
registerMediator(new HelloFabricationMediator(note.getBody()));
sendNotification("now", new Date());
6. Respond to the now notification
In order to respond to the now notification we will use the respondTo syntax instead. By adding a respondToNow handler in the main mediator we indicate our interest in the now notification. The notification name must use lower camel case and the time of sending the notification, and is converted to upper camel case when handling the notification in the respondTo method.
In view/HelloFabricationMediator
public function respondToNow(note:INotification):void {
trace("respondToNow time=" + note.getBody());
But I've got Modules that are using fabrication that are waiting to respondToOrderNew and don't seem to be getting the message. On top of which these notifications DO NOT seem to be the same:
routeNotification(MixConstants.ORDER_NEW, null, null, "*")
Two modules, each within the shell - when one sends the first message ("*") the sibling receives the message in it's respondToOrderNew.
When the second one is sent, the other widget ignores it.
Worse still - when the first widget sends
the second widget ignores it as well. I even tested with sendNotification(CRUD) and a 'respondToCrud' handler from one widget to another -- no go -- as well as putting a respondToCrud in the shell -- and THAT didn't get it either.
So do respondTo work with sendNotifications?
So is routeNotification(x, y, z, "*") necessary for sending info from
//sendNotification(MixConstants.ORDER_NEW, null);