Hi Cliff, no problem. I always try to let my ego beside my workspace.
But it will not benefits the PureMVC project if developers submit same things at the same time.
My thoughts were also to work with JSON instead of XML on the State Machine utility. I explained it by mail, forum or LinkedIN group recently I don't remember exactly. I wanted to make that and create the StopWatch demo before the end of the month.
To be honest I sincerely think there's plenty of things to do first before State Machine or Pipes in JavaScript. This is not so needed in JavaScript. I won't say we don't need it because I personally need them at work. This is why I started both jobs on my Github space. But I think it would be better to first have an human readable documentation for the Native port explaining "willing", "how to" and at least an "Hello World example".
Probably next what is the most requested is an AsyncCommand utility, it is so needed in JavaScript. Quite logical next the AsyncStub utility.
A lot of utility used to manage flash loading witll not be necessary with JavaScript (Loadup, Loadup as ordered) because CSS/HTML already have their loading paradigm and that we now have Require.js in JavaScript which seems to become near a standard for that.
If David want to do the PureMVC Pipes utility why not, just let me know I do not have started it officially. I just have explained why I need them and how I will conceived them. The only real need of this in JavaScript (as we don't have real modules support we have in Flash) would be to let communicate to different window context one to the other. This is a real pain to script (one could be loaded/unloaded before the other,etc) and here using Pipes would help a lot. Why not also studying a way to reuse BackBone modules. Those were my thoughts and my need at work.