Lots of eyeballs turn up the bugs quick!
I got this by email earlier from Milos:
Hello Cliff,
I implemented multicore puremvc in my app and found one small bug.
MacroCommands are not working corectly. The problem is in the execute method because subcommands are not initialized with the multitoneKey.
Solution is just to add
So the execute method should look like:
public final function execute( notification:INotification ) : void
while ( subCommands.length > 0) {
var commandClassRef : Class = subCommands.shift();
var commandInstance : ICommand = new commandClassRef();
commandInstance.execute( notification );
Also one more note with the multicore framework if it is required to register something or to get facade instance for any reason in Mediator code it has to be done in the 'onRegisted()' method.
Keep up the good work!