Hi guys,
Today i finished my first Demo App with Puremvc, it's based on "Login Demo" created by Jens Krause and on "Employee Admin" created by Cliff Hall.
Why i did it?
I'm a new to PureMVC, just started with it 5 days ago. I have a small knowledge about OOP and Design Patterns and i tried make a simple App to understand all this concepts with PureMVC using Remote Services (server-side) and CRUD Operations.
What did i do?
I joined this two applications into a single one, with this features:
* Login/Logout
* List, add, update and delete users (except the admin user)
* Refresh users list button
* Main.mxml with Deferred instantiation
* All data comes from database using remote services (weborb|php)
* Server-Side CRUD operations
* Tried to make code reuse to my next step is turn this Demo into an Pipe Multicore Demo with modules in a Flex Library Project
Technologies used:
* Flex 3
* Puremvc Standart 2.0.4
* Weborb (php) 3
Feel free to comment or suggest anything on this Demo
You can see live Demo
Hope it helps,
Daniel Gomes