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/** * Notify the parent <code>AsyncMacroCommand</code> that this command is complete. * <P> * Call this method from your subclass to signify that your asynchronous command * has finished. */protected function commandComplete () : void{ if (onComplete != null) onComplete();}
* Call this method from your subclass to signify that your asynchronous command* has finished.
So it's not a bug. The class do not know the logic that drive to the end of the execution of the asynchronous process, the instance have to call *onComplete* itself to notify of the end of the asynccommand execution.
To be honnest, I can't see the context where you need an AsynCommand to call *commandComplete* without to have a wrapper that declare the *onComplete* callback like in the AsynMacroCommand. But you're right, your patch will prevent any use of the AsyncCommand as a SimpleCommand.