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Is there any possibility in runtime to get the list of all possible transitions from current state and the list of actions initiating these transitions as well?
override public function execute ( note:INotification ) : void{ // Create the FSM definition var fsm:XML = <fsm initial={FSMConstants.INTERNET_CHECKING}> <state name={FSMConstants.INTERNET_CHECKING}> <transition action={FSMConstants.INTERNET_ONLINE} target={FSMConstants.UPDATE_CHECKING}/> <transition action={FSMConstants.INTERNET_OFFLINE} target={FSMConstants.INACTIVE}/> </state> <state name={FSMConstants.INACTIVE}> <transition action={FSMConstants.INTERNET_ONLINE} target={FSMConstants.UPDATE_CHECKING}/> </state> <state name={FSMConstants.UPDATE_CHECKING} changed={FSMConstants.CHECK_FOR_UPDATE}> <transition action={FSMConstants.UPDATE_PENDING} target={FSMConstants.UPDATE_AVAILABLE}/> <transition action={FSMConstants.NO_UPDATE_PENDING} target={FSMConstants.LICENSE_CHECKING}/> </state> . . . </fsm>; // Create and inject the StateMachine var injector:FSMInjector = new FSMInjector( fsm ); injector.initializeNotifier(this.multitonKey); // if using MultiCore injector.inject(); // Stash the FSM for later reference facade.registerProxy( new Proxy( FSMConstants.ProxyName, fsm ) );}
override public function handleNotification( note:INotification ):void { switch ( note.getName() ) { case StateMachine.CHANGED: var state:State = note.getBody() as State; var fsm:XML = facade.retrieveProxy(FSMConstants.ProxyName).getData() as XML; var transitions:XMLList = fsm.state.(@name==state.name)..transition; var actions:Array; for each (var transition:XML in transitions); { actions.push (transition.@action.toString); } myViewComponent.addButtons(actions); break; . . . }}
public class FSMProxy extends Proxy{ public static const NAME:String = 'FSMProxy'; public function FSMProxy( fsm:XML ) { super ( NAME, fsm ); } // Return a list of valid actions for the given state as an array of strings public function getActionsForState( state:State ):Array { var transitions:XMLList = fsm.state.(@name==state.name)..transition; var actions:Array; for each (var transition:XML in transitions); { actions.push (transition.@action.toString); } return actions; } private function get fsm():XML { return data as XML; }}
override public function execute ( note:INotification ) : void{ . . . // Stash the FSM for later reference facade.registerProxy( new FSMProxy( fsm ) );}
private var fsmProxy:FSMProxy;override public function onRegister():void{ facade.retrieveProxy(FSMProxy.NAME);}override public function handleNotification( note:INotification ):void { switch ( note.getName() ) { case StateMachine.CHANGED: var state:State = note.getBody() as State; var actions:Array = fsmProxy.getActionsForState(state); myViewComponent.addButtons( actions ); break; . . . }}