This version (v1) of the demo uses code to instantiate all of the views. It doesn't use anything from a nib/xib in Interface Builder. As a noob it took me a bit of time to figure out that if you create a View xib and associate it with a UIViewController subclass you can instantiate the UIViewController subclass to use your wysiwyg xib view. I created a couple simple views this way that have a background image and some regular buttons.
What I'm trying to figure out now is the anatomy of how to support a new view I've made where I have a xib view containing a Table control on the top and a Button Bar control on the bottom. I believe in the EmployeeAdmin demo the table views are ONLY a table in the view, so the associated controller is a UITableViewController rather than specifically a UIViewController. I'm not clear on whether I need to have two associated controllers and mediators or if I can somehow through composition just still have one associated UIViewController subclass, and somehow in its implementation hook up the table AND the button bar's buttons.
Advice appreciated