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1  Announcements and General Discussion / General Discussion / When to remove a Mediator for a view on: April 19, 2010, 05:57:05
hi all,

i am new to MVC, only a few months experience... but i have worked with AS2 and AS3 for a long time.  i am used the PureMVC framework for the latest version of our product.  i have several nested views with a combination of components.  i am using "mode" and "view" changes to manage different form states and it works great right now to help manage and remove the child views... but when do i remove a mediator for a view?  is it hurting anything to allow a mediator to persist in the application if it only acts on notifications it is interested in?  seems like on register if i great a view for the first time, i can use notifciations to manage it's view state and to whether it has child views visible or not.  i hope that makes sense.  i have a dB driven application so all view components are built and managed by there mediator, so going with a fresh start seems like it might be excessive when managing what view is displayed.

thanks all!
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